Your teeth are a very important part of your appearance. When you open your mouth it’s the first thing that a person sees. Unfortunately, there are a lot of common foods like coffee and tea that can stain your teeth. These are more obvious, of course. However, there are some sneaky culprits that can also stain your teeth which can lead to discoloration.
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Here is a list of foods and drinks that can stain your teeth:
1. Fruits and Berries
While fruits and berries are very healthy for you, some such as pomegranate, blueberries, and cherries contain pigments that can get trapped within your teeth. Once that happens, the natural white color will be reduced and your teeth will look dingy.
2. Dark Sauces
If you cook with a lot of sauces like soy sauce or Worcester sauce, it can cause your teeth to yellow. These sauces contain vinegar which can also eradicate the enamel on your teeth.
3. Hard Candies
The same thing these candies affect your tongue is the same effect it will have on your teeth. The sugar and dye will definitely give your teeth a yellowish, dingy glow. And tooth decay is also something to be considered.
4. Popsicles
Same with candy. Popsicles have dye and if you eat them frequently, they will cause discoloration in your teeth.
5. Clear Sodas
People may think because the drink is colorless it will not change the color of your teeth. False. Even clear sodas can stain your teeth due to the high sugar content.
6. Sports Drinks
People are often fooled by these drinks because they are marketed as healthy. Well, health has little to do with tooth staining. These drinks are high in sugar and they also come in a rainbow of colors. So the dye and sugar can quickly discolor your teeth.
7. Curries
If you use a fair amount of this bright-colored spice, your teeth will suffer. Curries contain pigments that will cause your teeth to yellow.
8. Tomato-Based Products
Tomato-based products have a high acidity level. And this can do a number on the color of your teeth and eradicate your tooth enamel. So be aware if you consume a lot of tomato-based products like spaghetti, ketchup, soups, and other such products. Be aware, because it doesn’t take a lot to do damage.
9. Wines
If you drink a good bit of wine, your teeth can suffer over time. Wine contains acid and natural dyes that can erode enamel and change the color of your teeth. Red wine is the worst. It can cause your teeth to take on a brown or even blue appearance.
10. Tumeric
This exotic Indian spice is a yummy addition to your meal. However, it contains yellow pigments to make your teeth appear dingy and yellow over time.
Tips to prevent staining
- Brush your teeth after consuming tooth-staining products
- Cut down on foods and drink that can stain your teeth
- Avoid foods that may be unhealthy for your teeth
- Drinking through a straw
- Use whitening products or schedule a teeth whitening session to get your teeth back to their pre-stain look
- Rinse your mouth out immediately after you consume tooth-staining food and drinks. This will wash away dye and other particles.
- Don’t forget to floss!
Remember, your teeth are an important part of your appearance. No one wants to display a dingy, yellowing smile when they open their mouth. So if you consume a lot of food and drinks that can potentially alter your tooth color, take the necessary steps to keep that white, bright smile.