Improve Your Gum Health with These Simple Tips

non surgical gum treatments port washington ny

We often think of brushing teeth and flossing as an essential routine for cosmetic reasons. However, we often overlook the care of our gums. Is taking care of gums different than caring for our teeth? If so, how do we maintain healthy gums? At 3V Dental we pride ourselves on oral health care, and love to share easy, helpful information that might help improve your oral health. Below are some easy tips, from our Port Washington Dental Team, to follow for improved gum health!

Reduce Bad Habits for Improved Gum Health

There are definitely substances that can increase your risk of gingivitis, even with regular dental visits and cleanings. For example, sugar can contribute to poor oral health. This is because the bacteria that help form plaque love sugar. Reducing the amount of sugar you consume will greatly improve your oral health in a natural way. Another important fact to consider is that tobacco consumption greatly increases your risk of gum disease. Ceasing tobacco use will make oral care easier and have the added benefit of cosmetic improvements.

Keep A Regular Dental Routine

You can’t expect to have healthy gums if you aren’t making a concerted effort to remove plaque. The truth is that our mouths are the perfect environment for many bacteria to thrive in. They are at a warm temperature and have foods, like sugar, that bacteria can feed off of. This is precisely why we’re always preached to about brushing and flossing. Brushing twice a day will certainly help you to keep a clean mouth but if you’re able to brush after every meal or after consuming harmful substances, it will help even more. Many people admit to skipping the flossing part of their daily routine because it can be a bit more time consuming. However, if you aren’t flossing your teeth on a daily basis, you’re allowing bacteria to settle in the crevices of your teeth. Ultimately, this will deteriorate the health of your mouth by causing cavities or gingivitis.

Many people also benefit from the daily use of an oral rinse. These can be helpful because they can reach additional areas you may have missed and break down bacteria that may be opportunistically hiding. You should always consult your dentist for personalized recommendations about oral care products because sensitivity level, bone health, and implants should all be considered. In general, most dentists will recommend a toothpaste with fluoride because they will be the most effective in eliminating bacteria.

Schedule Regular Oral Health Exams

You may pride yourself on how well you maintain your oral care routine at home. You may brush, floss, and rinse like clockwork and never have suffered a cavity. It is still critical that you maintain a routine with your 3V dentist for a cleaning though. With the latest technology, and dental equipment, our dentists can approach your mouth from an outside perspective. This allows them to achieve a deeper clean than even a flawless routine can achieve. Did you know that 3V Dental also offers non-surgical gum treatments? For more information, see here.

Improve Gum Health Naturally

The consumption of vitamin C can help you to prevent disease. Most people are aware that vitamin C can help you fight minor illnesses like the common cold by boosting your immune system. It works pretty much the same way for oral health. The healthier your gums are to begin with and the more prepared the immune system is, the better it will be at combating bacteria. Vitamin C also strengthens soft tissue, which is what largely what your mouth is made of. It is important to note that if you’re between appointments and are concerned about infection, check the area for redness, swelling, tenderness, and test the attachment to the teeth. These can all be warning signs of infection.

Gum health should be important to you and your family, so take pride in understanding the factors that may affect your gums and oral hygiene. Be sure to schedule a yearly visit to our Port Washington dental office at minimum for healthy teeth and gums!

Our Port Washington Dental Office Contact Information:

91 Main St.
Port Washington, NY 11050
**Additional 5 hour parking available around the corner.
(Make a right directly after Carlo’s Pizza)**

Phone :516-944-7000

Fax :516-944-4003

Improve Your Gum Health with These Simple Tips

non surgical gum treatments port washington ny
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